
1 on 1 Coaching Membership

1 on 1 coaching membership

Our 1 on 1 coaching membership integrates training, nutrition, and recovery modalities to ensure that each member is put in the best position to succeed.  This is an outstanding way to get live feedback on form as well as modifications that may be necessary within a given session.  In addition, for those seeking accountability from a training standpoint live coaching can be extremely helpful.


Once you are signed up and scheduled, we will begin the assessment process.  Our assessment protocols provide us with a very specific roadmap for training and take into consideration member goals, our coaching experience, as well current research.  During our first scheduled training slot we will perform a functional range assessment (FRA) and a body composition analysis.  Our FRA will evaluate the quality and capacity of each joint and will assist in guiding our exercise selection as well as our recovery day mobility protocols.  Our body composition analysis provides us a chance to quantify baseline markers for skeletal muscle mass, fat mass, cell quality, hydration levels, as well as other critical variables.  In addition, the body composition analysis will help decide if other assessment options may be helpful to achieve optimal results.  Further assessment examples include blood chemistry tracking, genetic testing, or identifying neurotransmitter profile.  We aim to keep these to a minimum and will always look to extract the greatest amount of information possible from each assessment that we perform.

During our second scheduled training slot we will go through a nutrition coaching assessment.  During this time, we will review the results from the body composition analysis and discuss nutrition protocol options that will provide members with the best results possible.  This is an extremely critical component to the evaluation process as what we put into the body is going to have a huge impact on both health & performance.  To ensure that progress is being made, each Science Over Tradition membership includes a monthly body composition analysis as well as a 30-minute nutrition coaching meeting.  A link will be provided to each member so that they can book the 30-minute appointment during a time that is convenient for them.  All nutrition coaching appointments will be schedule over the phone or via zoom.

In our third scheduled time slot we will be coaching our members on how to properly perform all our primary lifting movements.  While many members may have previous training experience, we are very specific about performing movements the way that we intended for then to be performed.  Utilizing tempo, a full range of motion, recovery periods, as well as several other coaching points are implemented into this session.  In addition, this provides us with an opportunity to see which level of programming would be best suited for the member we are working with.  Our four levels of training include:

• Learn to Train

• Developmental

• Team

• Advanced

To progress from one level to the next, members must demonstrate both competency as well as meet specific performance markers.  This not only ensures safety, but also the quality of training as well as results.

How is training organized?

Once we have properly assessed each member, we will create an integrated training, nutrition, and recovery program.  Each program that we write will be one year in duration.  Each year is broken up into four, twelve-week training phases.  The goal of each training phase will vary throughout the year based on progress and specific objectives.

Each training phase is broken down into four, three-week training blocks.  These will alternate between higher volume protocols which focus on improving body composition and slightly lower volume protocols which emphasize strength development.  Variations in these blocks may occur if specific objectives, such as fat loss, are required.  The undulation of these training blocks allows us to train hard continuously for twelve weeks and get the most out of our training from a long-term perspective. The thirteenth week of each block is utilized to re-assess movement quality, incorporate new mobility protocols, and allows us to provide neural charge training sessions to prepare for the upcoming training phase.

How many days a week should I train?

Our training programs are created based on a four day a week training model.   This allows us to have two upper body and two lower body days.  The ability to train four days a week not only provides us the necessary total weekly volume to get the best results, but it also allows for structural balance between muscle groups. Below is an example of how our training programs are organized. This example will provide more insight as to why we value a four day a week rotation. In this example you will also see how we implement additional protocols throughout the week to ensure the best results possible.

Microcyle 1 (Week 1-3)

Day 1: Upper Body 1 - Overhead Press & Chinup

Day 2: Lower Body 1 - Squat

Day 3: Mobility & Torso (virtual platform)

Day 4: Upper Body 2 - Bench Press & Neutral Grip Chinup

Day 5: Lower Body 2 - Front Squat

Day 6: Energy System Demand Training & Optional Upper Body Session (virtual platform)

Microcyle 2 (Week 4-6)

Day 1: Upper Body 1 - Overhead Press & Chinup

Day 2: Lower Body 1 - Squat

Day 3: Mobility & Torso (virtual platform)

Day 4: Upper Body 2 - Bench Press & Neutral Grip Chinup

Day 5: Lower Body 2 - Front Squat

Day 6: Energy System Demand Training & Optional Upper Body Session (virtual platform)

In the event that four training days per week is not possible do you have any other options?


 This format is best suited for our members who would like to only train live, but only have availability to train three days per week. In this model we modify each training block to take place over the course of four weeks rather than three weeks.  This means that we would alternate between two formats over the course of each month (Fomat A and Format B).  Format A would be implemented on the first and third week of each month.  This would include training the upper body twice and the lower body once.  For example for a member who trains Monday, Wednesday, Friday, we would train our upper 1 session on Monday and Friday and have our lower 1 session on Wednesday.  The following week would consist of format B which would utilize Monday and Friday for lower session 1 and Wednesday for upper session 1.  In this format exercise selection changes every 2 weeks. 


Our hybrid model combines the best in live coaching with a virtual approach to ensure that four sessions a week can be completed on a regular basis.  Training would take place in person two to three session per work and all other sessions would be loaded onto our virtual platform to be performed by the member on their own.  This is great for members who want to train four times a week but have a very busy schedule and have difficulty keeping a consistent appointment time throughout the entire week. All sessions that are programmed virtually will be done by members on their own.

Please note a minimum of two regularly scheduled in person coaching sessions per week is required to be eligible for the hybrid model.


Continuing to train in season is a no brainer for any athlete. However, training must be strategically organized to ensure that it contributes to reducing risk of injury and improving sports performance. In this scenario we recommend training two days per week. These sessions are formatted with either an upper and lower body emphasis on each respective day or as two total body training sessions. This is really dependent upon the gameday schedule for the sport.

For example, football is only played one day a week so we would train based on the gameday schedule. For other sports that have multiple games per week utilizing a the total body training approach would most likely be warranted. Regardless, the main goal for in-season training is to maintain the progress that was established over the course of the off-season. When this does not occur off-season training always will be wasted trying to get back the progress lost over the course of the in-season period and will significantly diminish long-term progress.


Often times recovery is associated with foam rolling, theraguns, normatek boots, and other soft tissue modalities. While this can be beneficial to some extent, it does not take into consideration the necessity of blood circulation and nervous system demands. We utilize a variety of mobility protocols as well as energy system demand work that is specifically designed to increase output during future training sessions. All of these modalities are programmed into train heroic with videos and directions to ensure that each member is put in the best position to reach their goal.


Each member will be assigned a weekly time slot for each of their training sessions. Like anything else consistency is key. For members who are very busy we recommend scheduling a time that you are certain to be able to make on a consistent basis. Training consistency will provide us the opportunity to get you the results that you are looking for and this is why we schedule our members during specific time slots. All new training blocks will be loaded onto our virtual platform one week prior to the start date. In the event that a session needs to be cancelled within 24 hours we strongly recommend completing the workout on your own in order to maintain programming consistency.

All members will receive a cancellation link which needs to be sent in when cancelling a session. Utilizing this protocol will allow us to track session cancellations and provide some objective feedback as we want to make sure that this program is a good fit for us as much as it is for you.


All 1 on 1 memberships will be billed on a recurring monthly cycle. The price per session will be depend on upon the number of LIVE sessions that you would like to participate in on a weekly basis. All memberships include 1 monthly nutrition coaching session (30 minutes) as well as mobility & conditioning protocols (recovery) which are programmed on our virtual platform. Please keep in mind that there is no extra charge for our hybrid program. If you feel confident training on your own for 2 sessions, but also believe that you would benefit from training in person we will organize your program on a four day a week training model.

2 Sessions per week ($120 per session)

3 Sessions per week ($110 per session)

4 Sessions per week ($100 per session).


We really appreciate your confidence in Science Over Tradition. Please choose the number of sessions that you would like to train each week and we will be in touch shortly to setup a schedule.

Virtual Membership

VIRTUAL membership


Nam sit amet varius odio, vitae venenatis elit. Morbi aliquet erat at sapien dictum, sed auctor nibh tempor. Proin varius varius nisi sit amet tempus. Nunc risus tortor, convallis ac quam ut, placerat tempor arcu. Donec ac egestas ante. Vivamus nisl lacus, condimentum at felis et, suscipit dignissim nisi. Fusce laoreet libero in nisi porta aliquam. Aliquam ac eros ut justo cursus rhoncus. Phasellus aliquet turpis in sem posuere facilisis. Suspendisse mollis fermentum diam id tempor. Praesent ullamcorper justo non ligula laoreet consequat.

