+ Where does live training take place?
63 Unquowa Road Fairfield, CT
+ What are your hours?
*Training slots are available seven days a week and can be scheduled using our booking app. *
+ I have never lifted weights before — is this for me?
Yes. We pride ourselves in being great teachers. Whether you are a beginner or advanced trainee we have you have covered.
+ How do you measure progress?
Collecting data is all the rage these days. While this is fantastic it can also be extremely confusing for athletes and parents. We use our performance analysis to identify 3-5 metrics that will provide the greatest return on investment for each 12 week training phase and focus our efforts to make quantifiable changes. We have every piece of technology that a power five college or professional sport weight room would but knowing when and why to implement this is what sets us apart.
+ How many training sessions a week do I need for optimal results?
*We recommend four days per week during the off-season and two days a week during the in season period. Additional sessions are offered which focus on correcting specific limitations such ankle mobility. These can be used on top of the two recommended training sessions during the in season period and will allow for optimal durability. *
+ Do you offer stand alone sessions
*No. We focus on long term development that is based off a structured program design. Training phases are 12 weeks in length. *
+ Do male and female athletes train the same way?
All programs are designed based on our testing and evaluation process. This ensures that we identify the most important need for each athelte and address it.
+ Do you offer mobility training?
Yes. Mobility and manual therapy are offered to maximize results.
+ I am currently in-season for my primary sport. Is it best to wait until the season is over to start training?
Training in season is critical for long-terrm development. Our in season and off-season program design differs to ensure athletes are setup for success.
+ Do you offer nutrition coaching?
Yes. We offer both general and specific nutrition coaching opportunities.
+ Do you offer sport specific training?
Each program that we write is specific to the needs of the individual. Our best analogy is strenngth and conditioning coaches build the engine and sport coaches drive the car.
+ What does a training session generally entail?
Each training program will encompass variations of self myofascial release, mobility, flexibility, hopping, jumping/plyometrics, speed mechanics/sprinting, throwing (medicine balls), and strength training using bodyweight, dumbells, barbells, or unconventional strength training tools.
+ Do you offer online training?
Yes, we currently offer online program design.